Monday, March 25, 2013

Bombing at the Box Office: Reviewers’ Responses to Agnosticism in Bill Maher’s Religulous

This article is much different than the last, in that this is showing the reverse of giving agnostics a better name, in fact, making them look quite angry and spiteful. The article goes on to talk about how reviewers did not look positively upon Bill Maher's "Religilous" simply because of the biased agnostic tones. This article shows exactly how many agnostics move the idea in the exact wrong way, making other agnostics look bad in the process. With this kind of article in place, it helps agnostics better understand why exactly the general public may not have a great opinion on them, specifically because there are people like Bill Maher that give them a bad name.

Moore, Rick Clifton. "Bombing at the Box Office: Reviewers’ Responses to Agnosticism in Bill Maher’s Religulous." Journal of Media and Religion (2011): 91+. Print.

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