Saturday, February 9, 2013

Guest Post

Caleb, Here's my Guest post for you;
Caleb Goding is a 19-year-old freshmen, although he may look the age of 20 or 21, attending college at Millikin University. Caleb grew up in the southern suburbs of Chicago, and moved into the northwest of Chicago by the time he was ready for high school. The high school that he did attend was a catholic military school that his parents had chosen for him. The school offered a lacrosse team, which Caleb had joined and loved, but when he came to Millikin, there was no team to be found.
Growing up, Caleb had Catholicism pushed upon him, he was forced to believe in something, he may or may not have wanted. Having something pushed upon you is never fun, and usually makes you not want to ever go back to that topic. This was exactly what Caleb felt. He had been forced into going to this school and probably even church his whole life and wanted a way out. This is where agnosticism came into play. It was a great way to ‘classify’ himself whenever people asked what religion he was. People probably made fun or judged him in his past, which brought up this issue to him specifically.
Today, Caleb grows up even more away from his parents, to explore his own beliefs, whether he sticks to agnosticism or maybe even goes back to his parents ways, is his choice now. His parents can no longer shove their beliefs down his throat, and he is free to choose whatever he may choose at the end of the day.
Emily Talbott

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